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Svetainių kūrimas


Be Part of Your Culture

2016-04-13 12:10:10

Vis dar prisimename 2015 m. vasaros projektą “Be part of your culture” Latvijoje, kuriame dalyvavo ir grupė Labdaros ir paramos fondo “G vaikų pasaulis” jaunimo bei jaunimas iš Lenkijos – iš viso 30 dalyvių.


Projektas vyko liepos 6-16 d. Ergemes rajone, sodyboje “Ausmas”.


Štai kaip projektą apibendrino patys organizatoriai:


International youth exchange project was directed towards the youth development initiative and more active involvement in the cultural environment, a meaningful leisure activity in remote rural areas of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Meaningful leisure activities, cultural program for the interests and needs of young people was an important tool to reduce the formation of various addictions among young people and to avoid unwanted public deviant behavior among young people.


The main project objectives were:

  • To develop skills with the help of diverse creative and practical cultural activities, which can help to be as an independent motivator for youth initiative of the cultural activities;
  • With the help of non-formal education methods, to build young people's understanding of the possibilities to realize their initiatives to gain new skills and skills for meaningful leisure time, engaging in cultural activities;
  • To assemble youth initiatives, experiences and suggestions for the implementation of cultural activities in rural areas.


Project activities were aimed at presentations, discussions, workshops, experience travel, meetings, performances and exhibition-shows how young people could contribute to their quality of life to spend some free time. Realization of the project is based on the use of various non-formal education methods.

Main expected results of the project were that young people's self-esteem would raise and diverse learning initiative, knowledge, skills and competencies would be gained, promoting international cooperation and exploring cultural differences.  As one of the results in project would be event/performance in Ērģeme for local people, where participants would show new dances, songs, games and performances that they would have prepared.


Project “Be part of your culture” was co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.


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